
Livin Like A Local

Something new is coming to Huntsville, it is a digital hub for everything entertainment wise the city has to offer, which will include Huntsville's dance life.

The site will include a "Dance Mom's" page that will include a forum for parents of dancers in the area.  The blog will also contain Huntsville dance information/events.

Livin Like A Local will officially launch March 1st, but the site is up as well as Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram.

Go check them out!  http://www.livinlikealocal.com 


Sr. Co. member Alana went to Platinum Dance Competition this past weekend in Chattanooga.

Her solo received a platinum medal.  She also placed 2nd in her age division and 5th overall & received a special judges award!

Way to go Alana, we are so proud!


Social Media

The studio is actively engaged in social media.

We have a Facebook page, Instagram (ValleyDanceTheatreHSV), & now Twitter (VDTHSV).  These sites along with the blog will contain general dance topics as well as studio news!

So make sure you are connected to our social media sites.

In life not everyone is given the same opportunities and not everyone is incorporated in everything they want to do.  This holds true in the dance world.  The article linked below is great piece by Leslie Holleran for Dance Magazine, that dives into this very topic within the college dance scene.




We are now on Twitter!  Follow us to stay up-to-date on news

Studio Closed

Because of the winter weather we will be closed tomorrow, Wednesday February 12 and reopen Thursday.


Jump is coming up in April!

You can check out the site; however, our location will not have information available until a week before, but if you check out another city location you can see what our location will be like.

Also Jump offers a live webcast for the competition!